Monday 7 June 2010

Myatt's Fields

Saturday's weather was gorgeous. To celebrate I took the children up to Myatt's Fields to play in the water park there, which is truly brilliant.  For those of you who regularly read this blog you'll know how much my children love water!

It struck me watching the children play that in London (in our middle-class, over-protective, helicopter-parent bubble) that there are very few opportunities for my children to play with children of different ages. They don't do it much at school, they certainly don't do it out of school where play dates are strictly restricted to those children whose parents I quite like!

This is actually quite sad; they learn so much from each other - heirarchy, turn-taking, confidence, how to fit in, limits & boundaries, trust and independence as well as the actual games they are taking part in.

It was wonderful to watch them play, take their part in this micro-society and explore the world with a bit more freedom than they're normally allowed.  And they relished it - awe and wonder at its best!

And the sunshine was pretty lovely too.

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