No-one could be more excited than a six year old picked to play the Angel Gabriel in the school play. Not only a speaking part, but the part with the best costume!
Frog came home from school on Thursday last week the bearer of the news that she was the chosen one this year. To say she was thrilled would be a massive understatement (such awe, such wonder). Determined to be the best Angel Gabriel ever (no competiveness there then Frog?!) she announced that I needed to make her a new costume ... "the grim old thing at school mings, I just wouldn't be like a proper angel!"
So we did make a new a costume and as always when we make things it was huge fun and a great way to while away a winter weekend. And, of course there is the miracle of turning some scraps of fabric into a dress fit for an angel, the best angel ever of course.
And what a beautiful Angel Gabriel Frog made. Learn't her lines and delivered them brilliantly. Knew I could rely on her! Costume looked fab too! x