Thursday, 27 August 2009

The mysteries of illness

Sadly this post is not strictly about awe and wonder, but it made me smile and I hope it does you too.

Frog has done precious little homework this holiday. Not that that's a bad thing in itself; I just didn't want her to forget everything while on school holidays. So in my usual I-work-in-media-therefore-I'm-a-deadline-junkie kind of way I thought we could use the last week to 'do a project'. Frog could choose the topic, I'd decide what to do.

My vision: Frog would choose something gorgeous, girlie and glamorous: think High School Musical with added glitter. We could write the words to a song, learn a dance and count the number of characters (or something like that). Perfect for a bit of togetherness and lots of fun.

I made the suggestion about the project to her and it was greeted with reserved enthusiasm but not total dismissal. I explained how it would work and made some suggestions for the types of things she might choose for her topic: HSM, mermaids, fairies, the magic faraway tree, the beach, under the sea. But made it clear it was her choice.

She thought very seriously for a few minutes, very seriously, and finally decided, "Mummy I want to do my project on swine flu."

Well, what can you say to that?

Any suggestions for swine flue related activities gratefully received, please post a comment.

As for awe and wonder - back next post!


  1. Hahaha, how topic, how sweet.
    You could try to print (large scale) this picture then add glitter?
    Am not that creative, but it might turn up OK...
